Combining sports massage with cupping therapy for deep and effective relief for tired muscles.


Dry Cupping consists of small glass, plastic or silicone cups placed on the skin and suction is used to create a vacuum that gently pulls the skin into the cup.

The cups can be left on the skin (static cupping) or moved around the skin in various techniques to perform massage cupping. Passive or active stretches can also be carried out to limbs/muscles while cups are in place or moving.

Cups can be placed on the treatment site while the massage therapist works with manual massage on other areas of the body. Upon removal of the cups, the muscle should be more supple and a deep and effective massage can follow.

The effect of cupping is increased blood flow; congested areas containing stagnant blood and toxins are moved and replaced with new oxygenated blood. This promotes cell regeneration to improve muscles function and reduce tension and pain.


Records of cupping therapy date back as far as 3000 BC from ancient Egyptians. It’s also present in Islamic and Greek history, literature and traditions. However, cupping is most commonly linked to traditional Chinese medicine. It derived from the use of hollowed out animal bones and bamboo to treat snake and insect bites as well as infections.

Cupping has evolved into a modern practice using glass, plastic or silicone cups, used to treat ailments from muscles tension, stress and anxiety, headaches, digestive and respiratory issues, fertility and much more. There are various forms of cupping therapy including wet cupping, fire cupping, flash cupping, massage cupping, needle cupping, water cupping, facial cupping and herbal cupping.

Traditional Chinese medicine treatments that once lost favour in the west in replace of modern medicines, tablets and treatment, are being revived as people move back to seeking natural remedies.

Dry Cupping, the most common cupping technique used in sports massage clinics, re-emerged when circular marks were spotted on Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps during the 2016 Olympics. Phelps went on to win multiple gold medals and insists he used dry cupping therapy before every competition to ease muscle soreness. Since, celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Aniston and many more have all claimed to benefit from cupping therapy.


When the cups are places on the skin and the suction is applied, there is a twinging feeling that might feel pleasurable or uncomfortable at first but should ease. The cups can be left on the skin (static cupping) for 10-20 minutes or moved around using various techniques to perform massage cupping.

The cups can be removed at any time by lifting the small value at the top of the cup. Effective therapy should always involve communication between the client and the therapist to ensure the pressure in the cups in comfortable at all times.


There are a huge number of benefits of cupping therapy. Its effect of improved blood circulation and removal of toxins has all manner of benefits to the body. In a sports massage environment we are focusing on the treatment of muscle tension and soft tissue injury (non-acute) by moving stagnant blood and toxins from the muscles and tissues and introducing fresh nutrients and oxygenated blood. This process helps to repair tissue, clear lymphatic blockages, cure inflammation and relieve pain.

Cupping can also be beneficial to treat anxiety and depression, headaches and migraines, improve digestion, detoxification, treat respiratory congestion, boost immune system, ease arthritis and joint pain, anti-aging, cellulite and more. To treat ailments such as these, it’s more beneficial to seek out a holistic therapist who uses meridian techniques from traditional Chinese medicine. While sports massage therapists tend to focus on relieving muscular tension.


Dry cupping is a very safe and non-invasive treatment. However, there are one or two side effects to be aware of before deciding if cupping is right for you.

Cupping is most commonly associated with red circular marks left on the skin which can last a number of days. This is a normal side effect, with the more prominent marks signifying the areas the treatment was most required and effective. For example, areas of congestion or muscular tension will often be left with deeper red circular marks while healthier tissue may have a less visible mark.

If the idea of cupping marks deters you from the treatment, you can still benefit from flash cupping or massage cupping. These treatments use lighter suction and the cups aren’t left on as long as static cupping. There’s no guarantee you won’t be left with any cupping marks but it is unlikely you’d see visible deep red cupping marks after flash cupping or massage cupping.

Cupping therapy leaves a relaxed and lethargic effect that can be pleasant but you should still be aware of it. It’s important not to plan a gym session, run or high-intensity workout straight after your cupping treatment.


Your cupping therapist should always carry out a consultation before treating you with cupping therapy. However, here are the main contraindications of cupping: Circulatory issues such as Angina, Anerysm, Aneurosa, Arteriosclerosis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Atherosclerois, DVT (or at risk of DVT having flown in the past 24 hours or had recent surgery) and severe high blood pressure. Cancer, Hodgkin’s disease and Leukaemia patients should not be treated with cupping. Anyone with an infectious disease, a fever or symptoms of a contagious illness should not seek face-to-face hands-on therapy.

Cupping therapy should also not be performed on open wounds, burns, blisters or recent scar tissue so let those heal before seeking cupping. If you have any undiagnosed skin conditions, swelling, lumps, inflammation or acute pain you should seek advise from your doctor before looking for alternative therapies.


Dry cupping is a non-invasive therapy that massage practitioners use to treat muscle tension. Cupping works effectively to move blood and toxins from congested tissues to promote healing. Cupping can be combined with massage therapy for a deep and effective treatment.

While static cupping can leave marks, there are alternative techniques that can limit this side effect. If you’d like to know more about cupping and would like to include this in your next Supple sports massage treatment you can get in touch or book now.

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